
Data Scientist

Understand how data science is used in the real world and create analytical models that improve business outcomes. For new graduates and working professionals who wish to begin an effective data science and analytics career, this job-guarantee programme is perfect. You will prepare to work as a data scientist professional in a developing field of data science and analytics and obtain practical understanding about the applications of data science and analytics in real-world enterprises.

Classes: Evening Online Live Classes ( 5 days a week - Monday to Sunday)
Course Duration: 30 weeks, i.e., 300+ hours

Placement Guaranteed Program

₹79,999 ₹160,000 50% Off

starts from 4,444/month

Pay After Placement

₹20,000 (upfront fees)

+ 30% of CTC (max ₹200,000) after placement

For Freshers Only

Classes in Hindi + English language
Live Lectures with instant doubt resolutions
Interview Preparation from first day
Soft Skills Preparation
Resume Building & Career Guidance by Experts

Highlights of the Course

  • Python
  • DSA in Python
  • Data Science Maths
  • SQL
  • PowerBI/Tableau
  • DataSources
  • Cloud Basics
  • Machine Learning
  • Specialization in Data Science / Computer Vision / NLP
  • Interview Preparation
  • Industry Project

Course Curriculum

Explore your Learning Journey

  • Basic formulas like sum, count, sum if, count and others
  • Data cleaning like changing the format, using filters and others
  • Conditional formatting like removing duplicates and others
  • Data Visualisation
  • Pivot Tables
  • Advanced formulas like Vlook up, Hlookups, Slicers, Micros, Nested if, Power query and others
  • Data analysis / Statistical tools like Regression, correlation, etc

  • Database Installation & Overview
  • Fundamentals of SQL
  • Creating Database
  • SQL Commands - DDL, DML,DCL,TCL,DQL
  • SQL Operators
  • SQL Constraints
  • SQL keys
  • SQL Joins
  • SQL Functions like Aggregation functions.
  • SQL Subqueries
  • Advanced SQL queries
  • Capstone Project

  • Basic Arithmetic Operations
  • if-else statements
  • input-output operations
  • Data types- String, int, char etc
  • Typecasting
  • Loops- for/while
  • Lists, Set, tuples etc
  • Inbuilt function, lambda function, iterator, generator
  • Exceptional handling
  • Import & Introduction of Python libraries like matplot, numpy for creating graphs etc.
  • And other Advanced topics like OOPs concepts.

  • Power BI basics
  • DAX
  • Data Connection
  • Sorting & Filtering Data
  • Data Visualization, reports & charts
  • Data Analytics
  • Geo Maps
  • Dashboards
  • Managing Worksheets

  • Chi squared test
  • Hypothesis testing
  • Normal Distribution
  • Data Wrangling
  • KNN imputation method
  • Clustering
  • Outliers
  • Statistical model
  • Regression
  • Central tendency – Mean, Median & Mode
  • Standard Deviation
  • Variance & Covariance
  • Sample size
  • Descriptive & inferential Statistics
  • T-test
  • Z-test
  • F-test

  • Basics of Machine Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Types and Algorithms of Machine Learning
  • Supervised Learning
  • Semi-Supervised Learning
  • Unsupervised Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Neural Network or Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Introduction
  • Machine Learning Use Cases

  • Basics Of Programming
  • Loops & Functions
  • Recursion & Time Complexity
  • Arrays
  • Strings
  • Linked Lists & Doubly Linked List
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • HashMap
  • Tries
  • Tree - Introduction, Binary, BST.
  • Graphs - Introduction
  • Sorting Algorithms - Merge, Quick, Insertion, Selection, Bubble, Counting Sort.
  • Searching Algorithms - Linear Search & Binary Search.
  • Divide & Conquer Algorithm.
  • Introduction & Application of Dynamic Programming

  • Number series
  • Coding Decoding
  • Directions
  • Blood Relations
  • Linear Arrangement
  • Ranking Arrangement
  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Time and Work
  • SI and CI
  • Profit and loss
  • Averages
  • Upstream and Downstream

  • Image Caption Generator
  • Text Extraction
  • Card Fraud Detection
  • Face Recognition


Data science involves developing methods of recording, storing, and analyzing data to effectively extract useful information. The goal of data science is to gain insights and knowledge from any type of data both structured and unstructured. To be more precise, it is the study of data stored by the business via a statistical programming language.


Data Science is all about mining hidden insights of data of trends, behavior, interpretation, and inferences to enable informed decisions to get the best outcomes for your business. Now, the person who performs these activities is said to be a Data Scientist. Data Science is the most high-in-demand job in the 21st century as per Glassdoor.


The answer is a big “YES” for lots of reasons. In the era of Digitalization, tons of data are generated on a daily basis. This boosts up the demand for the Data Science professionals who can evaluate and extract meaningful insights and hence creating millions of jobs in terms of Data Science.

In the market, there is a huge difference between the demand and supply of these professions and therefore it is creating a large number of job opportunities. Data science is also said to be the highest paid job in the IT industry. The Data Scientist career is one of the most rewarding career paths.


  • Any graduate, postgraduate, working professionals who have logical, mathematical, and analytical skills.
  • Statisticians, Economists, Mathematicians.
  • Professionals working on Business intelligence, Data Warehousing and reporting tools.